Tuesday, December 25, 2007
betcha nvr expected me to up date so quickly rite hahas. now my blog hits is 500+ liao woohoo. anyways yesterday i went ice skating wit frens. it was really fun, jus like roller blading bt wit ice, more slipery, more pain and wet when u fell down. even wen zhen's brother yi kai went. p1 kid learning how to skate lol. jasmine was like joking abt being a skating spongebob since she was like wearing a spongebob shirt. anyways after ice skating we took a bus back to bishan interchange and i was stuck at the bus stop. the bus i wanted to take was 55 and it took the bus at least 1 hour of waitin to arrive at the stop (i fell asleep while waiting). when on the bus it was so crowded that there were no space left for people to stand even though it was double deckers. i tink it's fastest speed was at most 30 km/h?????
(tis was like the pic i used for my art exam)
nkw125 relaxed on 10:12 PM.